Soft pink drip and matching pink roses.


At Sweet Mayada Cakes, our soft pink drip and roses cake is a true delight for those with a penchant for both elegance and flavor. This exquisite creation features layers of moist, vanilla sponge cake delicately draped with a blush pink drip, adding a touch of whimsy to its overall appearance. Topped with intricately handcrafted sugar roses in various shades of pink, this cake embodies beauty in simplicity. The soft pastel hues make it a perfect centerpiece for any special occasion, from weddings to birthdays. Indulge in a slice of our soft pink drip and roses cake to experience a harmonious blend of visual appeal and delectable taste.

6 inch high by 6 inch round. Caters for 8 to 10

Minimum 72 hrs. notice required. Pick up or delivery. Note delivery an extra charge.

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When it comes to your special moments, trust in experience and quality. At Sweet Mayada Cakes, we have the expertise to craft cakes that are truly unforgettable. Don't compromise on your celebration by choosing cheaper options. With us, you're not just ordering a cake; you're investing in a trusted business that guarantees your cake will be exactly what you want – a delightful masterpiece that reflects your unique taste and style. Choose Sweet Mayada Cakes for memories that taste as sweet as they look.

Elegant Celebration Cake suitable for a special milestone Birthday or an anniversary
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